Megan Warren


👦👦👧👦🐶 @jazzycollarco
Happy 7th Birthday to our favorite kid! Stockton, you are friends with everyone, make us laugh and are the best little brother to your siblings! We loved celebrating you today!!! Love you so much!
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8 dagen geleden
Happy Father’s Day to our favorite!!! We are so lucky to have you!!!!
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15 dagen geleden
Double digits. I can’t think too hard about where time has gone the last decade… or I start to get teary. From the time she was little, she has been wise beyond her years. This girl brings so much energy and joy into life. She loves dancing, skincare, making GRWM videos and hanging out with her friends. We Love You so so much Bugs! Happy Birthday!!!!
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1 maand geleden
When people told me, hold on to them being little, that you will blink and they will be grown. Well, it happened. I blinked, and Dax turned 16. Don’t say anything but Dax might be a favorite of mine. You can catch him either at basketball, playing guitar or educating us all on his favorite new music artist of the day. Word on the street, he isn’t the best at fantasy football but can make a mean batch of cookies. He will do anything for a Dutch bros. He truly does think of others before himself. When he is at home, you will find his side kick Stockton next to him. He has been such a huge help at home. Seriously, he is the best kid. Happy Birthday Dax! I hope it’s the BEST DAY! Love your guts!
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5 maanden geleden
2023 Company Photos• I feel like I blinked and Hattie grew up. @betweenthemoonandsunn captured Hattie beautifully. I am forever grateful for these!
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6 maanden geleden
So many memories captured on and off the camera. Here are just a few memories! So grateful to spend the weekend with my peeps! #christmas2023
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6 maanden geleden
I am so proud of Bugs. She danced her heart out this week. I am so grateful for the human she is becoming. I can’t express my gratitude to every dancer on company for being Hattie’s everything. She feels loved and each of them are truly family. Thank you @captivation_dance_affiliates for the home away from home. Hattie has 3 loves in her life… maybe 4. Dance, Friends , her family and watching YouTube. 😂 So grateful. So grateful for this second family. Thank you @meganalysse and @hailey.malmedal for literally everything. From being amazing friends, teaching Hattie, and creating beautiful dances. I am in awe of both of you. So many group dances placed this week. They all left their hearts of the dance floor. I couldn’t help but get teary eyed when each Captivation Dance was on stage because they all danced so beautifully. Hattie placed 10th overall with her solo and was the second runner up Artist of the Year. Just so grateful for everything!
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11 maanden geleden
38 trips around the sun. Each year is so unique and timeless. Each experience, each interaction has molded me in to the person I am striving to be. If I could give any advice it would be: have fun, find your people, and be nice to others, you never know who is having a worse day than you. Be a light. It will shine through the clouds. I am so grateful for the people in my life who made my birthday extra special today. The texts, messages and people going above and beyond made my entire day. Here is to another day, another moment and another experience.
172 31
1 jaar geleden
Guys, it’s my first reel of MMWM, who is excited??????
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1 jaar geleden
Kindergarten. The end of an era. Mrs. McCall will hold a special place in our hearts as we have no more kindergarteners. Thanks for keeping me on track and sending me reminders but most of all for loving Stockton. We are so thankful for you. It’s crazy to think how fast time has gone, but here we come first grade!
111 14
1 jaar geleden
I used to read the book, I love you forever when I was a kid.. and I used to think about being a mom… let me tell you it’s not what I had planned, envisioned or even imagined.. it’s so much more. I am blessed with 4 amazing kids. Each of them completely different in their own way but equally as amazing. There is no greater blessing in my life than being a mom. It’s tough, lots of tears, lots of proud moments and I would literally move mountains for each of my kids. While I don’t go pick up each of my kids at night and rock them when they are asleep, I do hope they know that I love them forever, as long as they live my babies they will be. 🎥: @betweenthemoonandsunn
101 7
1 jaar geleden
N•I•N•E• Not sure what happened but I blinked and she woke up 9 this morning. Hattie is growing up to be a pretty amazing human. She is kind, thoughtful, knows how to make people laugh, fearless and makes your day brighter when she around. She loves to dance, and loves to be around her friends. Happy Birthday Hattie! I hope it’s the BEST DAY ever!!!!
146 45
1 jaar geleden