Pixwox jaxOpublikuj
8 dni temu
my first album drops in 4 days. ✂️
3 dni temu
Just listened to it all. New to your music as of a few days ago. Now recommending it to everyone. As a dad of two girls, really truly appreciate the lyrics.
2 dni temu
I'll definitely let you her album. I want to hear what she can do when she's really just trying to make an album. Trying to make her music. I mean I know she's been making her music forever, but I think this will be different. I think she's got even more talent than we've ever seen. And I look forward to hearing what she can do.
2 dni temu
2 dni temu
Oh hell yes!! I need your energy
2 dni temu
The jelly beans 🥰
2 dni temu
1 dzień temu
22 godzin temu