Pixwox kayla.anokuOpublikuj
6 dni temu
Ready to merge with your higher self? I’m a higher self activation coach & I’d like to share with you the top 5 things I’ve learned when it comes to being in alignment with your higher self. #1 : Feel the emotions that your higher self would feel. Meditation is great for this. I take my clients through a guided meditation on each session & I absolutely love seeing them transform with each meditation. The key is to tap into those feelings once you are able to visualize your higher self. #2 : Develop habits that align with your higher self. I would bet that your higher self does not go out and party every night. Start shifting your habits to be more in alignment with your higher self. This is one of the ways to notice a significant difference. #3 : Take a look at your friendships. We are an average of the top 5 people we hang out with. If you only hang out by yourself, you have no one to share high vibrational energy with. If you hang around people that are a bad influence to you, you might find it difficult to feel high vibrational emotions. If you don’t know how to make new friends, I suggest reading & consuming high vibrational content from people who inspire you and you will naturally attract people into your life that resonate with your energy. #4 : Your morning and night routine. This is where I take the time to do my self care. These routines set my day up for success & I have an amazing formula to creating your higher self’s morning and night routine. My clients say that this is the most important thing that I’ve invited them to implement into their life. #5 : Visualize your higher self. This is KEY! If you’d like to work with me 1:1, DM me to book a call. I’d love to connect with you & help guide you on your journey to merging with your higher self. 🤍 #higherself
3 dni temu