12 dni temu
Half marathons are HUGELY popular and one of my favorite distances to train & race! If you know you can complete 13.1 miles and are looking to run a FASTER half marathon, your training should include these three key types of runs (among others, of course, including half marathon pace workouts - although most runners ONLY focus on running half marathon pace workouts and neglect these important training components!!) 🏃‍♀️LEVEL UP YOUR TRAINING WITH A RUNNING EXPLAINED TRAINING PLAN: downloadable and app-based training programs for novice, intermediate, and experienced runners! START TODAY! ☝️ 1) Long runs with progression: these long run workouts start out easy but end with faster running and help you handle running fast on tired legs, just like you'll need for the end of your half marathon, when things are starting to feel pretty dang hard! 2) Lactate Threshold workouts: these workouts are a KEY COMPONENT of many of my training plans and programs for good reasons. Improving your Lactate Threshold is a surefire way of improving your ability to sustain moderate paces (like half marathon pace) for long, long stretches of time, and help you learn to tolerate the discomfort of "sustainably hard" running! 3) LOTS OF EASY RUNS!! Easy running improves your ending and aerobic capacity, both of which are vitally important for long distance events like the half marathon! Remember, your "speed" is built upon a FOUNDATION OF ENDURANCE! -- ❤️Join a community where runners of all paces and all goals can feel confident & supported in your training & racing! 🏃‍♀️Running Explained offers training plans, masterclasses, group coaching, & 1:1 run coaching - join #teamrunningexplained today! 🎙Listen to new episodes of The Running Explained Podcast everything Thursday on your favorite podcast platform!
My first half marathon ever scheduled this September! Longest run I've had is 5miles so looking forward to working up the milage
12 dni temu
I have 3x8 min @ LT tomorrow 🔥 (L2 10K plan!)
12 dni temu
If you are a casual- above average runner (let’s say 10-20 miles a week with “normal” gait, average build)- do you see any significant benefits in training/racing in the $250+ carbon plated shoes that have come out in the past couple years?
8 dni temu
"Great tips for faster half marathons! Especially love the emphasis on long runs with progression. "
8 dni temu