Michael Robert Winslow


A big project we worked on this season was building this modified Hugelkultur Raised Bed in our front yard. Super excited about all the work and connections that went into the process. Couldn’t have done it without either my father or my father-in-law’s help. Also, big thanks to @pond.and.prairie for helping to procure all this amazing old rotting wood. Special thanks to @wormiesgr and @jethousegardens for endless info and support, not to mention their invaluable Vermicompost! Also, huge thanks to @mycophiles_garden for the donation of the spent mushroom blocks! I was so stoked to see flushes of mushrooms coming from the walls of the bed, and cannot wait to see what happens in the spring. We seeded crimson clover as a cover crop and also planted around 30 cloves of garlic. Thanks to our neighbors for the leaf “donations,” we’ve been mulching them up and adding a nice organic blanket as it gets colder. I am no expert, but I enjoy learning and am very open to questions and critiques. I’m learning as I go, I’m growing as I go, and I’m harvesting lessons along the way. #frontyardgarden #hugelkultur #homesteading #greenthumb #buildingsoil #frontyardvegetablegarden #harvestyourlessons
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6 miesięcy temu
Happy Birthday to the best pal a guy like me could ever ask for. So grateful for this human! Happy golden birthday @samwolf12
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8 miesięcy temu
Best. Day. Ever. 2/18/23 ❤️
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1 rok temu
Long awaited photo documentation from my travels begins now. This is part two of who knows how many. I spent the majority of June and July camping in and around the SW National Parks of the United States. I have two takeaways... 1. Nature is so creative. 2. Systematic Racism is at play everywhere, including our national parks. PLEASE, if you love the outdoors, if you have ever found yourself/ease/peace in the mountains, forests, or beaches, PLEASE check out these organizations that are trying to make the outdoors world more accessible and inclusive. @outdoorafro @melaninbasecamp And check out switchbackr.com for more resources about how you can help advocate against racism in the outdoors! Locations: 1. Grand Canyon South Rim 2. Delicate Arch, Arches NO 3. Capital Reef NP 4. Capital Reef NP 5. The Narrows, Zion NP 6. Bryce Canyon NP 7. Bryce Canyon NP 8. Lake Teresa, Great Basin NP 9. Yosemite Valley, Yosemite NP
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3 lat temu
Long awaited photo documentation from my travels begins now. This is part one of who knows how many. I spent the majority of June and July camping in and around the SW National Parks of the United States. I have two takeaways... 1. Nature is so creative. 2. Systematic Racism is at play everywhere, including our national parks. PLEASE, if you love the outdoors, if you have ever found yourself/ease/peace in the mountains, forests, or beaches, PLEASE check out these organizations that are trying to make the outdoors world more accessible and inclusive. @outdoorafro @melaninbasecamp And check out switchbackr.com for more resources about how you can help advocate against racism in the outdoors! Pictures: 1. Joshua Tree NP 2. Joshua Tree NP (Coachella Valley) 3. Sedona, Soldier’s Pass Trail 4. Grand Canyon South Rim 5. Monument Valley 6. HorseThief Campground 7-10. Canyonlands NP
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3 lat temu
Doing anything Wednesday evening?!?!? Join us! The first votes in this election will be cast in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS. Time is running out – while we’re seeing more and more barriers pop up between voters and the ballot box every day! One HUGE challenge: Voter ID requirements. Millions of eligible Americans could be blocked from the polls because they don’t have the ID they need to vote. I’m teaming up with @thevoteriders and my @hamiltonmusical friends to fight back. Will you join us? Sign up now for our next letter-writing party on September 9 (link in bio). At our last letter writing party, we sent 17,000 personal letters to voters in Georgia, Florida, and Wisconsin. Every letter delivers crucial information and resources directly to a voter who needs it. And we had SO much fun doing it! Next week, we’re setting out to break that record. We don’t have a minute to waste. Join the Hamilton family in doing everything in our power to make sure that every vote counts by November 3.
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3 lat temu
Hey :) It’s been a minute. Been busy in the elements. I love you. Ok. Bye for now. Photo by @leigh.ann.cobb.photo #pisces
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3 lat temu
Wanna make a difference in this country? Wanna support all the humans who live here in finding their voice and creating a nation that represents all of us in a more true way??? we MUST educate ourselves on voter registration... One big obstacle: voter ID laws. Did you know that more than 25 million Americans could be blocked from the polls because they don’t have acceptable ID? We can’t let that happen. This disproportionately effects POC here in the USA. we MUST raise our voices and unify our efforts so that the chorus of our voice (vote) May ring true and in tune! That’s why I’m teaming up with @thevoteriders and @tommarw @darnellabrahamofficial @jordanagrams @mrroryomalley and many others from the extensive #HamFam to host a Hamilton letter writing party to reach out to voters in key states with the information and resources to make sure they have everything they need to cast their ballot. Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful tools for getting an infrequent voter to the polls. With no time to spare, we need to reach these folks RIGHT. NOW. Will you help us? RSVP now for our first letter-writing party – happening Wednesday 08/12??? Research shows that handwritten notes are one of the most powerful tools for getting an infrequent voter to the polls. With no time to spare, we need to reach these folks RIGHT. NOW. Will you help us? RSVP now for our first letter-writing party – happening Wednesday 08/12! *link in BIO*
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3 lat temu
Today marks 55 years since the Voting Rights Act was passed ... and our fight for voting rights is clearly far from over. Representative John Lewis left us with our marching orders: “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you HAVE to speak up. You have to say something; you have to DO something.” With obstacles to voting mounting at an alarming rate, it's on us now to honor his legacy with immediate action to ensure that EVERY voice is heard on November 3! That's why I'm excited to join @thevoteriders TODAY for a special @johnlewisdoc event. Watch the film now or later, but let's come together at 3 PM EST for a lively conversation with HAMILTON's @darnellabrahamofficial + @tommarw + @mosesbread72 + @officialprince84 + @ndotsmitty + @coachreveno + @lakers @Hulu + more about how we can all #MakeGoodTrouble together the next 90 days! A portion of the proceeds from streaming the film through this link will directly fund assistance for the MILLIONS of Americans that don't currently have the ID they need to vote in their state. RSVP here: https://bit.ly/GoodTrouble0806 ***also link in bio!
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3 lat temu
Happy Father’s Day to all! #proudson #proudgrandson
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4 lat temu
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4 lat temu
I surrender to my whiteness. I accept my heritage. I am here to hold space for healing, to be educated and open my mind to the experiences of others, and to show respect for all the women and men of color who have given so much to and for this country. Not only did you build this country, you made/make “our” culture. Jazz, Rock n’ Roll, Hip Hop, Hamilton, the list goes on. I wouldn’t be where- let alone who i am today if not for countless black and brown artists. I am forever grateful. I am forever humbled. We white people must be better. I want my grand children to be proud of me, and this is a huge part of what the world of tomorrow is all about. Equality. #blacklivesmatter
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4 lat temu