11 months ago
The root centered around unaddressed pain and resentment towards her father” My name Canaa Lee.  I am a retired high school teacher, a Christian counselor, and a radio personality.       I grew up in a two-parent home.  To an outsider, we looked like a good family but the broken relationship I had with my dad caused my life to spin out of control.  Every little girl wants to be Daddy’s little princess. I was often criticized and scrutinized by my family-especially my dad- which caused me to become hyper-sensitive.  As I became a teenager, I learned to keep my feelings to myself because my family did not seem to be interested in how I felt. When I graduated high school and went off to college, those emotions and feelings that were bottled up eventually turned into anger, bitterness and resentment.  I found that personal relationships were more difficult than I expected.  What I wanted more than anything in the world was a meaningful, committed relationship. @2bwitness