6 days ago
@soundersfc sorry not sorry. I got nothing against gays, or w/e tribe of people who gang around and feel better about it. This bullshit has got to stop, it isn’t even about celebrating pride, as my comment evidences. “Pride” is a subjective word itself, subject to whomever sees, feels and senses pride themselves. It isn’t an image, or is it a product for sale. @soundersfc is a product for sale. Being able to discriminate between the two takes sound judgement. Antagonizing a population with imagery is a bad investment. It’s 2024, if consumers don’t care about how anyone identifies their own indulgent vanities, like I believe, why make the “pride” statements? If I am wrong and the ever ambiguous “people” who may care how you identify are- in fact- offended- tell me this: @soundersfc does life and death as your organization see it revolve around what you affirm, or how you identify with your own biological sexual functioning? Humans are mammals, as in, an animal in a kingdom of animals classified as MAMMALIA. The rest is spun up, superficial bullshit by vested interests with a bottom line. Entitled, soft, generational wealthy mouth breathing, flat-assed fart sniffing libtards- aka the CCP, Socialist-Obamunist-libtard sheeple people are behind this -as I see it-as reverse targeting of our domestic communities with redundant imagery, lettering, language and especially politically biased mediators. DEI scores and whatever diVeRsE affirmative actions taken are simply proving who can be bought off and manipulated, who cannot or otherwise will not think and speak for themselves but function solely for a bottom line or an outside influence, like a disingenuous politically motivated #hashtag #movement #obamakneweverything #chomoparty #clintonepsteinconnection #pedocrats #deepstateexposed👹 #dei @alexi_lalas I’m not wrong, tell your stat man. 🎸🪨🤘