6 days ago
It's officially been 3 months since I was discharged from the hospital and after a lot of consistency & discipline I'm finally starting to be able to feel some noticeable progress throughout my entire body including my heart being reconditioned to handle more strenuous activity and my brain being much more capable with being balanced and coordinated! 3 months ago there was no way I could even think or imagine to do an exercise like this and when we first started this exercise 8 weeks ago I was only being thrown a 5 lb medicine ball as that was all I could physically handle and now today we were using an 11 lb medicine ball!! I gotta admit it feels really good to finally start feeling some real progress....very rewarding and motivating! My strength is recovering quicker than my endurance so I still have a lot of work to do in terms of building up my stamina and endurance as I still get really out of breath and need to rest often throughout the day but I'm not going to let that discourage me and hopefully soon I'll be able to walk an entire mile without taking any breaks and then Ill push to be able to walk 2 entire miles without needing to sit down and that would be amazing if I can accomplish in the next 3 months. On a side note we are also using 2 lb ankle weights and targeting trying to rehabilitate my knees as I also have been recovering from a double knee injury where I tore both my patella tendons leg pressing 18 months ago.....that was not fun 🤣 #DeadManWalking #CantKillMe #strokesurvivor #strokerecovery #physicaltherapy #progress #healing #progressnotperfection #balance #coordinationtraining #health #brainsurgery #heartsurgery #bloodclot #stillalive #healthawareness #motivation #recovery #road2recovery #heart #brain #nutrition #gymmotivation #balancetraining