6 days ago
If you are a woman in this country, don’t be complacent. Don’t think your vote won’t count. As a woman who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, it is truly shameful and pathetic that girls growing up now will have less reproductive freedom than my generation had. Will we go back to women not attending college? To women being forced to stay at home? To women not being doctors, lawyers, or scientists? Once again, all that is being asked is for women to have a freaking CHOICE. THEIR CHOICE. If it’s not the choice you want to make, then you have the choice to keep a pregnancy. What right do you have to make the choice for someone else? Oh, and when you force a woman to give birth to a child that she does not want for a wide variety of personal reasons, will you step up and care for that child? There are already so many severely neglected and abused children in our country, do you help them? Foster systems don’t always have the best outcomes. When more children flood the system, more taxes dollars will be required to help. Then you’ll complain about the taxes.
6 days ago
So if a doctor does not save my life, can my family charge him with murder?
6 days ago
At least with the man vs. bear in the woods debate we could have a discussion. Conservative politician vs. bear in the OBGYN you can’t debate because the outcomes are too likely to be the same.
6 days ago
Alito and Thomas are both a menace to society.
6 days ago
The question is ... Who decides the definition of "emergency"? Heart stops for baby or mother or both? 😢
6 days ago
Alito hs been showing his true-very dark- colors. He should resign. Clearly biased.
6 days ago
Funny that there’s no “blue no matter who” posts this morning. What happened?
5 days ago
5 days ago
The emergency-I don’t want this child! 🤦🏻‍♀️
3 days ago