6 days ago
BESTIES APPRECIATION POST 🧡 Okay I know I’m mid euro trip, but @ultabeauty asked me to give my bestie a compliment and share how they are beautiful inside and out. The timing is wild bc this entire trip I’ve been reflecting on all my besties and the people that make me feel complete. I legit get super emotional thinking about my friends. 🥹 The older I get, the smaller the circle becomes. Values between bffs evolve and change and you know what? That’s okay. You’re allowed to have seasons with people in your life. I think it’s imp to release some people to make space for new people. I used to say “no new friends” but if I applied that thinking, I wouldn’t have some of the best friends in my life today. People ask me all the time if I’m lonely, and the answer is a hard no. Being alone and lonely are too different things. I know I will never be lonely bc of the amazing humans I’m surrounded by. I wake up cheesing and go to bed with gratitude bc of these people. Such a special and lucky feeling. 🙏🏾 Thank you to my besties, old and new, for making my world beautiful and sparking joy. This life of mine wouldn’t be the same without yall! 🫶🏾 Tag your BFF below and tell them a compliment today! They deserve it. ✨ #JoyForward
I lost mydad and your dad reminds me of him...I hope Raj is doing well
4 days ago
4 days ago
4 days ago
i assume your besties don't have children yet. am i mistaken? or do they have a partner who takes care of the kids when they are out with you
4 days ago
3 days ago
Love this so beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
3 days ago
3 days ago
Love ❤️
2 days ago
@gonewithawhim Where are your pics? ☺️
7 hours ago