6 days ago
My Cheat Code which helped me lose fat over holidays! So it’s commonly accepted that when travelling for work or holidays one HAS to lose their fitness progress… That’s not true. There’s no law saying you’ll inevitably lose your progress… It’s simply that you: A. Don’t want it bad enough B. Have flawed foundations so it’s extremely difficult to maintain C. You don’t know how and then it’s not really your fault How I did it WITHOUT tracking calories! I have heard of people carrying food scales with them to weigh out food all the time… and that’s extreme and rarely anyone will EVER have get even close to that extreme to make their goals happen! My strategy was very simple. It uses the very basic principle that in order to lose fat we need to burn more calories than we consume. However, being in Italy I wanted to eat ALL the gelati I could (artisanally made Italian ice cream from local ingredients!) 🍨🍦 Also had quite a few pizzas 🍕 But what I did to counteract that was: - Be more active. Explore the area by walking around - Went for a fasted long distance run 1x a week. One of them being a 10k run and the other a 16k run. If you find a way to enjoy being active it’ll make it wayyyy easier to enjoy food and lose fat! Just gotta either find cardio that you enjoy OR teach yourself to enjoy it! I quite literally out trained a bad diet. Of course, I’ve been training for a long time and absolutely love training! You can also become someone who really enjoys exercise meaning that it’s NATURAL for you to exercise. Do you train on holidays?
Please wear sunscreen😂😂😂
6 days ago