6 days ago
60 years of TARDIS history. #DoctorWho
I'm glad people will discover that amazng show threw this doctor and that compagnon. But make at least 10 episodes for a season. 8 isn't enough to be involved at 100% with the characters !
6 days ago
Sure would be nice if we could see Tales from the TARDIS on Disney+!
6 days ago
what we need is a hi res panoramic image of this Tardis for us nerds to pick which story everything is from
6 days ago
And we‘ll forget everything since Capaldi, because it was all lousy. 😂
6 days ago
@newyorkcomiccon can we get a panel this year?
5 days ago
I hope that some days doctor who will be back to what it used to be like back when Peter Capaldi was the doctor. Because the show hasn't felt like Doctor Who ever since he left.
5 days ago
Yes how about tales from the tardis on Disney plus show the world what the show use to be
3 days ago