12 days ago
You won’t be the first or the last to feel like the awkward stage of « figuring the technicalities of your new role out » is a sign you are not meant for the job. Or that it seems so outwardly that you could achieve what you’ve set for your goals that you may as well give up now… I’m here to tell you that those deceptive thoughts are forcing you to check in with yourself for a good reason, but not the reason you think. Here’s how I help ease these intruding thoughts in my life and business 💭 - Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. - Learn as much as you can from others - Ask for help / support - Give yourself some grace Being on a new life/career path isn’t easy. Developing new habits, new skills… that’s huge! Remind yourself you are not alone, check in with yourself when you are feeling like an outsider and lean into the fact; the growing pains are just that. GROWING pains. You are on the right path. A life by design, not by default. ✨
12 days ago