11 days ago
What's nutrition by addition? It's where you focus on what you can add instead of what you 'should' cut out! Wellness trends are starting to get out of hand, and I believe that it's much healthier to add nutritious foods to your diet instead of restricting different food groups or avoiding processed foods 100%. Especially for those of us who are recovering from an ed, it is SO much better for our health (both physical and mental) to add to our meals instead of take away. If you're at a place where you feel you have a better relationship with food and want to add some gentle nutrition, you can start by asking some of these questions when choosing a meal or snack: - do I have protein, fats, and fiber? - can I add a fruit or vegetable? - does this incorporate the food I'm craving with other foods satisfy me? - is there color? Then take a few deep breaths and enjoy your meal/snack. Slowing down has been so helpful for my digestion and also realizing fullness cues, and eating without distractions is also key. For this yogurt bowl, I started with plain whole milk Greek yogurt (protein + fats), added blueberries (fiber), peanut butter (healthy fats + satisfaction) and raw honey (adds health benefits + sweetness) I've found that nutrition by addition has really helped me to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet, feel better overall, and be more satisfied with my meals. Let me know if you try it out! #nutrients #nutritionbyaddition #hormonehealth #holistichealthjourney #adddontrestrict #eatingtoheal #eatwholefoods #wholefoodeating #wellnessjourney
9 days ago