6 days ago
Friday Lunch . This meal was a long time coming. The time we spent last evening looking at the slideshow of the food we cooked and ate during the lockdown catapulted this meal to the top spot. . Plus all the videos that are being shared by all my CSB/GSB friends added to the craving. And today, I wanted to eat everything - Tambli, Kayras, Bendi, Talasani, Upkari, Patrodo… everything! . Good sense prevailed and I made a simple meal. With one Bajji, which is like a Raita anyway, and Kosumbari, which is a Salad, this meal felt like a big one. And the Piyava Vadiyo took it to the next level. . I had cooked some Black Chana and so I decided on Ghasshi. I had some Breadfruit in the freezer, so instead of Kadgi Chana Ghasshi, I made a Divkadgi Chana Ghasshi. . After what felt like an age, I also made Batata Saung. This 5-ingredient superhero of Amchi cuisine hits the spot. Every single time. . I had a couple of large Brinjals. I popped them in the oven to grill like @whattheghee taught me and I made a Vaingana Bajji with it. I think Vaingana Bajji will be the dip I serve with Crudités or Crackers the next time I have a party. . On our lunch plates today, we had Rice, Dali Saar, Divkadgi Chana Ghasshi, Batata Saung, Vaingana Bajji, Carrot Mugga Dali Kosumbari, Pappad (Piyava Pappad and Batata Pappad) and Vadiyo. I didn’t bring out Appinmidi Lonche, but it would have gone very well with this meal. . I still have to make Andurli before the Mangoes disappear. Time to make a list of all the lovely things we cooked and ate 4 years ago. But until then, let me revel in the happiness that this Thali has brought me. . And, watching Amma relish this meal took my happiness level up several notches. . #raagasweekdaymeals #raagasindianthaliyatra #raagasamchiadventures #konkaniamchifood #indianvegetarian #chitrapursaraswatcuisine #amchirandap
Wah! What a delightful meal👏 kudos to your handiwork ❤️
6 days ago
Omgggg yummmmmm want
6 days ago
Too good 😍
5 days ago
Aahaa..that vodi and potato happolu is like match made in heaven with any side dish 😍
5 days ago