16 days ago
🎶SHOW ME THE CHAMPION OF LIGHT 💡 Alan Wake 2 is a cerebral survival horror game… with a rock musical? With dancing? And shred guitar solos? Man, you’re just gonna have to play it. I don’t game often, but this one really made an impression on me. The creativity these developers poured into the game was beyond inspiring. I had to sit down and learn this solo from the 15 minute in-game rock musical “Herald of Darkness.” @remedygames were even nice enough to release a version without lead guitar so that I could be the lead guitarist! #remedygames #samlake #alanwake #brightfalls #guitarsolo #poetsofthefall #oldgodsofasgard #gibson #sg
16 days ago
YES. put it on the tok!! You totally game often.
16 days ago