19 days ago
We don’t show enough appreciation for the people in our life. So i decided to make an appreciation post for one of my best friends in the world. What would I ever do without you? Haha!!! Friends since our early 20’s back in Edmonton days. We met so randomly too. I’ll skip that long story…. but I will tell you what we did on our first official friend date:) It was the summer time , we only met one other time in December . 7 months went by and we decided our first date would be a weekend away, at the legendary Edson Ball tournament. We rented a cabin in the woods . Let’s be honest, it was a shed with a bed. It was called “The Wolf cabin” and had a wolf picture in it, howling at the moon. For some reason, we picked up a huge amount of beer ( beer?!? who were we?) to pregame. Oh god i remember pre gaming before you’d go out. What a time to be alive. Anyways after drinking some BEERS… we got a cab to take us to the Edson Ball Tournament. ( Don’t laugh… Maxim magazine rated it one of the wildest parties on earth. Not even kidding) . When our cab arrived to pick us up, it was dark. He probably had a hard time finding the tiny cabin in the middle of nowhere. The cab driver then turned on the light , and showed us his hook. He had a hook for a hand. He told us to call him “Hook”. We kinda loved him. We then proceeded to outright lie, and told him we were on “The Amazing Race Canada” . …Why? I don’t have a proper answer for you. Anyways since then we’ve remained in each others lives, been in weddings, celebrated milestones , our guys even love each other AND one of us got her PHD ( you can figure that one out) and now we are family. I love you @courtneyraeab
Awe, my dearest! I love you so much toooooo. This whole story and still could go in for days about the hilarious stuff that happened that trip. Like our OTHER cab driver, “Crazy Frog”. 😂🐸 I am so happy we met. Can’t wait for our 🦅 day.
19 days ago
Awwww! My sister and honorary sister. 😘
19 days ago
19 days ago
I was smiling the whole time reading this I can understand and that guy with the hook I know him. I’m from Hinton originally I moved there in a 2000 and one in July and I heard so much about that ball tournament. It’s so funny that you mentioned that because where I live now one of my good friends from Edson met one of my friends From Brooks, how funny is this well I do have to say friends come and go but when you have those ones that stay it’s amazing. My oldest friendship is 53 years. I have to say that’s a long time for a friendship I I hope you and Courtney have everlasting friendship until the end of time. Thanks for this story. It truly touched my heart because friends are everything.
16 days ago