17 days ago
this is your sign to have a meatball weekend with your bestie 👏🤪 #jsfamilyvacation
I love Jersey shore
13 days ago
“Party’s here” ❤️
13 days ago
Denna is annoying and i don't like how snooki acts when shes around.
13 days ago
I would have possibly been able to keep up w you guys while playing rugby but govt drugs all my drinks n food I'm 2 beer queer most of the time
8 days ago
Most 3v34u bartender takes 0ayouts 5i drug my drinks so 8i rarely go out I need body guards as well even a six foot bouncer on 8th ave punched me in 5he face little guys attacked him years ago around 2018 for 6 foot about 300 lbs he's a 2imp my father knocked me off my feet all 3 times he punched me in the nose and broke my nose
8 days ago
The six foot guy didn't break my nose as much as my father did
8 days ago
Deena looks so good like her fit is fitting her hair is so FUCKING LONG AND SHINY. I am a Deena Stan? I am a Deena stan… ❤️
8 days ago
Deena is so fine 🔥
3 days ago