2 days ago
June was full of so much joy! Friends! Reading all the books! Pool time! Echo snuggles! Baby snuggles! It was QUITE the busy month! • Got to spend all the time with @_l.a.michaels_ @caitlintreu and Sweet T at concerts in the park and while they moved into their new home 🥰 After 4 years, I finally have a medical diagnosis and a game plan. With almost every doctor I’ve seen throwing their hands up in the air not willing to help me figure out literally anything - I cried I was so happy to finally have at least one specialist listen to me and help me get my brain chemistry on the right track!!! Then @echos.grand.adventures met @starr_kirkland and they became best friends in half a second! Then off to New York I went to meet my nephew, Emiliano! @melissa.a.ruiz @the_dave_hanson I still can’t get over how cute your kid is 🤩 While there I also got to see three Broadway shows (@appropriateplay @illinoiseonstage and @suffsmusical 🙌), see the costume exhibit at the Met with @samjeancoop , and had a lovely lunch with @fierce.grandma and @kingalligolden - I didn’t think my heart could get any more full but I came back to Denver with THE BIGGEST SMILE on my face. • Excited for all the adventures July will bring!
The BEST! Miss both of you! Thank you for having me! ☺️🤗💜
2 days ago