2 days ago
Twenty one UK visual arts organisations have issued a collective manifesto calling on the future government of the United Kingdom to back the country’s ailing visual arts sector after the 4 July general election. The organisations—which include DACS (@dacsforartists ), Contemporary Visual Arts Network (@cvanlondon ), Art Fund (@artfund ), Gallery Climate Coalition (@galleryclimatecoalition ), Crafts Council (@craftscouncil ) and A-N (@anartistsinfo )—are calling for more investment in creative education in schools, closer links to Europe and protecting free entry to museums and galleries. The signatories have collectively outlined “a roadmap to sustain the visual arts for the long term”, says the joint manifesto. “Our galleries, studios, museums and visual artists face significant challenges that hinder their ability to survive and thrive,” adds the manifesto, which highlights the “critical role of the visual arts in the UK’s £126bn creative industries”. Tap the link in our bio to read more
A positive arts policy is vital for the health and wealth of the country.
1 day ago
@uklabour @thegreenparty @libdems @thesnp MUST now start to recognise the importance of arts, culture, creative sector to individual, societal wellbeing & business success. Invest NOW to heal trauma of Tory era. Value artists and creatives. Introduce UBI for artists and introduce New Deal style Public Art programme ❤️
1 day ago
Wadever dude
1 day ago
Here at SCAN we are proud to be part of this, huge thanks to our partners for all their work on the manifesto. Over to you policy makers let’s work together for the change we are calling for.
1 day ago
19 hours ago
Does Sir Keir look like a cultured man? I think not. He will see culture as a privilege of the affluent and not of his beloved “working people “. We can only hope.
13 hours ago