2 days ago
👑 Countdown to the Crown 👑 #PageantpPrep Pageant prep at age 46 is all about self preservation, igniting, passion, and competing with yourself to be the best version of you! Here are some of the things that have been so important to me during this season of prepping for the International Pageant this month! 🎯 Fitness Lifestyle Increasing my focus in my daily workout routine has been pivotal and shifting my body to be pageant ready. Increasing cardio, upping protein and carb intake, and increasing reps with weights has been key for me to feel strong in body and mind. 🎯 Practice Whether it’s taping my speech to the steering wheel, working intensely with an incredible coach, working through mock interviews, or working my platform…all of these things add up to reps, and reps equals reward! 🎯Self Care and Self Talk Comparison is the thief of joy, and working on your inward self is so key to mindset! Mindset is something that can make or break a candidate, and can also be a huge factor in your daily life! 🎯Balance Working to maintain balance during this time becomes more difficult the closer it is to the pageant. Prioritizing your family and faith become absolutely imperative to keeping a balanced life! Pageants aren’t for everyone, but if you find yourself inclined to do one in which I’m so glad I did, prep is absolutely key! Shout out to. @teamslapp for the killer cap. TS! @intlpageants #MrsIntl2024 #2024IntlCountdown #AdoptionAsAnOption #TheAdoptionConnection #Adoption #AdoptiveParent #BeAFoster #MrsInternational #MrsInternational2024 #IntlPageants #JourneytoMrsIintl #MrsMidwestInternational #MrsMidwestInternational2024 #Midwest #Adoption #MrsIntl @mrspageantry @mrspageanthq @mrs_pageant_worldwide_report
🔥🔥🔥 Get it!!! 👏👏👏
2 days ago
@bravebeautymel let’s go 👏
2 days ago
2 days ago
Get it girl ❤️🙌🔥👏😍
2 days ago
Get it!! 💪💪💪
23 hours ago