21 days ago
In our interview with actor and mama @therealkateesackoff we cover a wiiiide range of topics of conversation from disappearing eyebrows, feeling like an old fart at work, how to look less dead, infertility struggles, loss, grief, Katees surrogacy journey, the postpartum/work life balance, memory loss, the invisible work of mothers, the oozy coolness of 90s Mark Webber, supportive partners and for the Star Wars nerds in the back, we ask Katee all about her dream role in THE MANDALORIAN!!! Listen wherever you get your podcasts ✨⁣ ⁣ #themotherdaze #yourzenmama #motherhood #fertility #surrogacy #postpartum
I recently went through an hysterectomy and oophorectomy, I’m 51, I have two amazing kids, wild pregnancy and birth stories of my own, but I’m feeling this sadness about loosing the ability to get pregnant, to carry a baby, a life inside me, and I didn’t even want more babies before this! It’s been such a profound experience lately, getting to know my body and myself without this one thing that of course didn’t make me who I am but was such a meaningful part of my womanhood, if I can say that… listening to this wonderful woman say “devastated” with such intensity, such raw emotion, made me cry my heart out, I am rather sensitive lately… I will listen to the conversation, I can feel it’s a beautiful one, important one as well, because motherhood as more forms than the “traditional” one. But I must gather myself a bit first, it’s still a fresh surgery and crying ( and laughing) hurts a lot 🥹☺️ Sending love to all the mamas out there, whatever is/was your journey ♥️
20 days ago
20 days ago
Great one, they just keep getting better!!👏👏👏👏👏
20 days ago
20 days ago
Katee EFFING Sackhoff???!!! You didn’t! She is amazing!! Can’t wait to listen 🤩
19 days ago
@shopbaeo bare tint, needing to get it onto the shelves down under one day ❤️
9 days ago