3 days ago
Read and learn: The famous Queen Cleopatra was called Cleopatra VII Philopator II Theos Philopator. She was the product of eight generations of inbreeding by the Macedonian Greek Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt. The founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty was a general/bodyguard of Macedonian King Alexander III (the Great) named Ptolemy (Ptolemaios), son of Lagos. As pharaoh, he was formally called Ptolemy I Soter. All of the male Ptolemies were named “Ptolemy”, so they always took epithets and/or nicknames to better differentiate themselves. Female Ptolemies usually had one of three names: Arsinoë, Berenice (Berenike), or Cleopatra. They also usually took secondary titles. The royal incest was practiced “too keep the blood pure”, but more importantly to give the Ptolemies an image of legitimacy by tying them back to the indigenous Egyptian pharaohs, who usually practiced royal incest. Ptolemaic royal incest was started by Ptolemy IV Philopator (“father-lover”) and continued for the rest of the dynasty, dynasty, though in three cases the pairings were not siblings but cousins and uncle-niece. The father of Cleopatra VII was Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos, nicknamed “Auletes” (flute-player), a drunk who liked to play the flute. Her mother was definitely the regnant Queen of Egypt, either Cleopatra V Tryphaena and/or Cleopatra VI Tryphaena (They may have been the same person. The pairings and ordinal numberings of the Ptolemies are incredibly complicated and inconsistent.) The paternal grandfather of Cleopatra VII was Ptolemy IX Philomator Soter II, called “Lathyros” (“chickpea”) for unknown reasons and possibly “Physcon” (“fatso”). Her paternal grandmother is unknown and some sources said Ptolemy XII was “illegitimate”, but that status was disputed. The latest scholarship holds that Cleopatra VII’s paternal grandmother was Cleopatra IV, who gave birth to Ptolemy XII before Ptolemy IX had ascended to the throne. The famous Queen Cleopatra, Cleopatra VII Philopator II Theos Philopator was Macedonian Greek, not sub-Saharan African. Stop with the blackwashing. Gal Gadot is an excellent, intelligent, and educated actress who has studied Cleopatra VII and will do her justice.