13 days ago
It’s all about the balance 🥗🏋🏽‍♀️ Happy Workout Wednesday! Throughout my health and fitness journey, I’ve grown so much and gradually learned more about my body. Everyone’s path is different so it’s important to learn what works best for you! I have put some tips together that have personally worked for me, in hopes to support others on their own journeys! 1. Consistency is key for progress, establish a routine and incorporate various dynamic exercises and movements 🔁 2. Rest days are just as important as training days💤 3. Abs are made in the kitchen, nutrition and a healthy balanced diet is the key to progress. 80% of results are made in the kitchen, with 20% in the gym🏋🏽‍♀️ 4. Don’t forget to stretch before and after to avoid injuries 🙆🏽‍♀️ 5. Everyone’s health and fitness journey is different, try not to compare yourself to others🫶🏾 #WorkoutWednesday #missvausa #missvirginiausa #missshenandoahusa #shenandoah #missusa #missuniverse #TheFavGroup #FAVFam #FAVulous #FAVulousJourney #FAVGirl #roadtomissusa #STEMpoweredLeaders #stem #stemeducation #pageantlife #virginia #pageants #pageantry #leavealittlesparklewhereveryougo
Is this THE mt cinnamore?
12 days ago
Hearty Congratulations Himanvi proud of you 👏
9 days ago
hi gorgeous 🩷
8 days ago