12 days ago
Care package from @jurassiccoastmushrooms - not only a syringe of Pioppino Mushroom (posh name: cyclocybe aegerita) liquid culture, but some solid slap game - and a COOL little clip/shoelace clip (I'm not sure, but i love it; @mushymentor will have to confirm the identity 😆) - thank you so much! Plan with this is going to use the entire syringe in one go. I'll put half into some honey broth to expand the culture. A quarter I will use to inoculate an all in one bag (I think I have one kicking around) and the final quarter is going to go into Uncle Ben's rice I'm also going to inoculate some uncle bens rice with my C. Gambosa culture and see how that goes... and I will be sending a syringe of that back to @jurassiccoastmushrooms to play with. That is, I expect, going to need more of the Fungafam experimenting on how to grow it successfully! Been busy so haven't had a chance to get to all this today - but soon; watch this space! ✌️ #ukfungi #fungi #funginfluencer #funginfluence #fungiphile #fungiphotography #mushroom #mushrooms #mushroomsofinstagram #mycelium #mycophile #cyclocybeaegerita #pioppinomushrooms
12 days ago
Awesome 👍
11 days ago
A charm for a pair of croc shoes. I have the same one! How do I get my hands on one of those stickers?
8 days ago