12 days ago
With OiNKyfans trying to unionize I may have been on to something. #Unwashed #2005
DAWG! With this special and all the others from the 2000s you were way ahead of the game !! #juicy #lorddonkeypunch #teaparty
11 days ago
Jamie we miss you!!! Please return to the big screen!!!!
11 days ago
at least you aren’t talking about covid for 15 seconds 😂 i love you man but GOD DAMN
11 days ago
😂😂😂😂 legend
11 days ago
😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️ so funny!!
10 days ago
When I was a kid My dad told me a Fluffer was the guy who put the marshmallows in the Moonpies…
9 days ago
Fluffer... you rang?? 😏
7 days ago
yea i feel like that now being an American citizen… at least buy me lunch or bring some lotion! LOVE YA BUDDY! Your Tits with me! Good shit!
4 days ago