11 days ago
Blessed solstice folx 🌻 The magnificent fulcrum upon which the year pivots, casting us headfirst into the embrace of summer. What a treat it was to feel the sun as it traced its longest arc across our skies 🥰 Yesterday, coincidentally, also marked World Productivity Day. Which one might think is an odd juxtaposition; the height of natural splendour paired with a celebration of human industriousness. Yet, there seems to us to be a more meaningful connection at play here, a symbolism that asks us to consider the essence of productivity in a broader context… 💭 Productivity, which we tend to measure in hours logged / tasks completed / goals achieved, is a concept very much associated with relentless forward momentum. But, the summer solstice, with its lingering light and gentle invitations to pause, reminds us that true productivity is not merely the sum of our exertions but also the quality of our presence and engagement with the world around us 🌳 We had intended to gather at our local stone circle yesterday to celebrate the solstice in Stanton Drew style, but truth be told we were all so pooped from endless productivity that we opted instead to pause in our places, set some personal intentions and enjoy a sigh of summer relief in appreciation for all the magic and gifts this year has already brought 🍓🍄 Perhaps this solstice is a perfect time to step back and acknowledge that our well-being is inextricably linked to the health of our surroundings… with which there are so many ways to engage: planting a garden, taking a mindful walk in the woods, or simply pausing to listen to the rustle of leaves in the breeze. These acts, however small, are all steps toward a more balanced, more meaningful existence 🙏🏼 May your solstices be bright and the fruits of your labour abundant - whatever that looks like for you - and may you always find time to touch the earth, to listen to the whisper of the wind, and to bask in the warmth of the sun 🌞 Thanks for being here you beauties xxx #BristolFungarium #SummerSolstice #Musings 🍄 🍄 🍄 #Solstice #LongestDay #Midsummer #Summer #Sunset #Sunrise #SummerVibes #Nature #Sunshine #FullMoon #StrawberryMoon #🍓🌝
11 days ago
Thank you for this beautiful post 💚 i love your expansive definition of productivity, it's really helpful and positive 😊
11 days ago
Ahhh I love this thank you ❤️❤️
8 days ago
Most wonderful 🙌💜✨
8 days ago