12 days ago
Whoever sends you pebbles, tag them here 🐧 #datingtrends #pebbling
I never send useless stuff, if I find something interesting I just post it in my profile... That's it.
6 days ago
Pebbling has been around for year it’s actually a way the A lot of us neurodivergent ppl show our love for ppl because we don’t always know how to communicate it verbally
6 days ago
But I am thinking about them that’s why I sent it ❤️
6 days ago
Welcome to social media. Glad you came out of the 90s to join the rest of us.
5 days ago
This is all I do all day long.. for years..
5 days ago
Not new at all.
4 days ago
Whats happen to the world, normal conversation had now become a trend 🐧
1 day ago
First there was the internet. Then there was "pebbling". Then there was Myspace 😂
6 hours ago