8 days ago
We are delighted by the visit of Nadya Tolokonnikowa yesterday at the Upper Belvedere. The political activist and co-founder of Pussy Riot was welcomed by General Director Stella Rollig and visited together the highlights of Viennese Modernism. It was great to have you as our guest! . Wir freuen uns über den Besuch von Nadya Tolokonnikowa im Oberen Belvedere. Die politische Aktivistin und Mitbegründerin von Pussy Riot wurde gestern von unserer Generaldirektorin Stella Rollig begrüßt und gemeinsam besuchten sie die Highlights der Wiener Moderne.  . @nadya #BelvedereMuseum #VienneseModernism
8 days ago
russia is a terrorist state
8 days ago
8 days ago
8 days ago
8 days ago
Very beautiful and brave lady
8 days ago
She doesn’t look very interesting, looking glum when you are a visitor is not polite. Sorry to say that but I don’t know who she is.
7 days ago
🔥such a great guest!!! Art 🧡 riot
7 days ago
klimt lived long enough to see the first russian revolution....hopefully nadya will see the second!
7 days ago