9 days ago
Sielun kesä jatkuu – toisena teoksena nähdään suomalaisen lyhytelokuvan ja videotaiteen merkkiteos, kuvataiteilija Salla Tykän Lasso ✨ Tervetuloa juhlimaan avajaisia taiteilijan läsnä ollessa torstaina 27.6. klo 17 alkaen mediataidetila Sieluun Karkkilaan. Sielu’s summer program continues – next we will show filmmaker and visual artist Salla Tykkä's short film Lasso ✨ Please join us for the opening on Thursday 27th of June from 5 pm at mediataidetila Sielu in Karkkila. SALLA TYKKÄ | LASSO 2000 35mm film, HD video, Dolby SR, stereo sound 3:48 Lasso exposes a moment in a young woman’s life; moment at which one’s inability to face the other - or oneself, even - is squeezed into a powerful sensation somewhere on the edge of the unreal. * Salla Tykkä (b. 1973) lives and works in Helsinki. Tykkä is an artist, filmmaker and photographer who addresses issues of gaze, power, gender, control and memory. She graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki in 2003, and participated in the Venice Biennale in 2001. She was awarded with the William Thuring Prize in 2015 and AVEK Award in 2016. She has held several solo exhibitions, most recently at Wäinö Aaltonen Museum, Turku; Ludwig Museum, Budapest; M – Museum, Leuven; and Turku Art Museum. Her work has been shown in numerous international group exhibitions and film festivals. * Thank you to Uusimaa Regional Fund for supporting Sielu's summer program. #sallatykkä #lasso #lyhytelokuva #finnishcontemporaryart #skr #högforsinruukki @avarkki.fi