16 days ago
You’ve captivated us since our first shoot together when we knew you would hold this crown before long. You have shown that you can do anything you put your mind to and we are so impressed and inspired by you. We’ve enjoyed every moment together, all the conversations, all the laughs, and getting to meet your wonderful family. I know Lora felt so special and it was such an honor for her to do your hair & makeup at Miss USA. She loved getting to spend that time with you! Yes, this is me, Joe writing this. Lora is probably on 2-3 hours of sleep and elbows deep in curls at the moment 😂 I know she also has so much to say and I could go on and on as well but we love you to pieces and are just so thankful to know you. Congratulations on an amazing year and making the most of it! Hair/makeup @loradevine #vanbrosgirls #devinestudios #missksusa