16 days ago
My motivation to keep on making music is that it makes me happy to make other people happy. When I see people are having a good time listening to what I have created, when I see they dance to my weird sounds 😀 Also all of the sweet messages. Once a guy told me that one of my song made him have tears in his eyes. Wow! What a compliment! I think we all want to do something meaningful in our lives. And I think we can do it well with music. Music is a universal language that connects us all. I met so many good friends with my music and I’m sure I will meet many more! Let me know your reasons and if you don’t have any let me know too! Let’s share ideas ✍️👍🏼👇🏼 #analogsynthesizers #musicmotivation #motivation #synthesizers #makingmusic #electronicmusic #synthesizers
I love it when I am working on a new project and at first it sounds all empty and bare, but before you realize it you press play on the whole track and it sounds like the symphony of the mind! The limitlessness of music never ceases to insipre me 🌀
16 days ago
16 days ago
15 days ago
To create and to play is the greatest excitement! Music is my favourite medium to create and play with 🙂
15 days ago
Music is Nature .. Nature IS life .. life IS music + Nature 🔥❤️
14 days ago
For me is like drinking coffee, no motivation involved; just pure necessity of turning on my synths and modules and start having good time.
14 days ago