7 days ago
Communities across Southend, Leigh and Rochford are crying out for change. Wonderful to spend some time with the local candidates David Burton-Sampson and Bayo Alaba who will help @uklabour deliver it.
That doesn't look like Haringey....
7 days ago
Why are you taking money from Israel?
7 days ago
Haven’t seen you out and about in your own constituency…. Just saying
7 days ago
7 days ago
Changes are in process now
7 days ago
Lived in your constituency for over 10 years - never ever seen you. Barely respond to any emails - how ever always seem to see you supporting genocide. Can not wait to vote you next week
7 days ago
Your time to rule is coming, hope selling your soul is worth it.
7 days ago
What are millions in London crying out for every Saturday @david.lammy ? If Labour gets in… I hope @officialhackneyabbott starts calling you and @labourfriendsofisrael out. How much money are you getting from pro Israel lobby groups? Who do you actually represent? 🤡
7 days ago