7 days ago
First of all @nastypig swimmie from the latest pride shoot of course. Second of all LET ME MANSPLAIN a funny thing at you. Many of you may be familiar with my porny twitter @dirtytattedtop . And since being public about being in a relationship where I AM BEGGIN’ TO BOTTOM, I have received lots of toxic comments (“don’t be a bottom, you’re a masc man”, etc.) which is WEIRD cuz first of all why would a gay hyena on the internet care about what a primate wants me to do with my butt? But guys. My handle “DIRTYTATTEDTOP” has always been a joke. I hate when guys on profiles just label themselves “DOMTOP,” or “HUNG” or “TIGHTHOLE.” First of all, these labels are frequently not true 😂. Second, I think it’s funny that people label themselves with titles that they have to explain are flexible and sometimes don’t advertise what they even want/ are at the moment. Anyway, my point here is that I was trying to parody this cuz I’m only 50% dirty (but 100% stinmky), only somewhat tatted, and I am a true VERSEY BOY. And if you want me to FURTHER explain…for me, I don’t get sexually emotional as a top, but I am a TRUE BOTTOM FOR LOVE. Oh gosh the emotions. Love it. Anyway, I just want EVERYONE TO be sexually happy, but stop false advertising, and stop with the sexually hierarchies. Bweh. Also @pin_me_big_daddy is my perfect top bf so go follow him, he HATES IT.
Truly inspiring, as a top and a bottom ✨🤌
7 days ago
🔥🔥🔥 💪 😎 🤤 ❤️ handsome fella 😘
7 days ago
7 days ago
Oh that is just beautiful! 👏🔥🙌
7 days ago
Is that @luca_hunter_official ??? 😍
7 days ago
7 days ago
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4 days ago