5 days ago
A few weeks ago we saw a video from a pretty well known creator talking about how if you are not giving 100% all the time then you might as well just let it go because your lack of effort means you are undisciplined and don’t care. This is by a creator that specializes in “motivating” and “coaching”. We have to respectfully disagree. As black and white or cut and dry as that sentiment is, that just not how the world, life or business works. It’s especially not how those things together, all at play, work. The truth is you can’t possibly give 100% to anything all the time. You can try but it’s not always going to be possible. Sometimes you are only going to have a certain percentage to give. Be it because of time restrictions, life obligations, mental and physical health and a million other reasons we don’t have to get into. The reality is sometimes you can only give so much. You know what though? If you give your bare minimum available, that will still yield better results and outcomes, than waiting until you have 100% of your time, energy and focus to give. The idea that it’s 100% or nothing is frankly crap. It’s bad advice, motivation and coaching to tell people it’s 100% or nothing. What is good advice, motivation and coaching is accounting in real life and affirming people that what they have to give today is enough. It’s enough because it’s something. Something is better than nothing and it’s always going to be, it always has been. So today if you have 10% to offer or you have 100% to offer a specific project, task, hobby, your self or whatever it may be. That 10% is so much more valuable than nothing. That 10% is taking you further than nothing ever will. There is no shame in effort, whatever the amount. Whatever you have to give is enough and is taking you further with your goals. Your business, your life, your development, your relationships, and whatever else, will benefit more with your minimal effort than waiting till you can give all your effort ever will. Period.
❤️ agree! Small steps lead to great results and putting in 110% every day is a fast road to burnout.
5 days ago
🙌 THIS. Period. Everyone share this!!!
5 days ago
🙌 Exactly
4 days ago
4 days ago
Definitely needed this reminder 🙏🏾
4 days ago
As a disabled creator, I fully agree with you. It is so validating to see this post and all the comments here. ❤️
3 days ago
So true! Life happens in the ‘grey’ areas, to be honest. Anyone who says there is no nuance to something makes me immediately wary- all or nothing mentality is concerning!
2 days ago