7 days ago
🌟TOMORROW 6/27 @ 6pm EDT🌟 is another #CelloTipThursday LIVE-STREAM + Q&A session 😜! Celli & I are excited to help you dolls on your cello learning journey!! 🖤🎵🎻🎵🖤 I'll be going live on YouTube & Instagram to answer YOUR questions and Celli will be there to help demonstrate some #cellotechnique tips 😍! Requests will be on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to get to the stream on time! 👌🏻 🖤🎵🎻🎵🖤 • • • • • • • #cello #cellist #cellistoftheworld #cellotechnique #classicalmusic #classicalmusician #musiclessons #cellohelp #stringedinstrument #stringplayer #cellotips #youtubelessons