7 days ago
🌟 #HowIMetMyHusband 🌟 When I committed myself to serving others, I never imagined the boundless blessings that would unfold. In 2015, I founded SisterFriend with a mission to ensure everyone had access to essential hygiene products. Little did I know, this journey would lead me to find the love of my life. At our first community event, Aerion came into my life as a beacon of support. As a program officer at a local foundation, he heard about SisterFriend and arrived at our event with a heart full of generosity and a handful of donations of pads and tampons. From that moment on, he became my unwavering pillar of strength and the ultimate example of how men can champion menstrual equity. Throughout our journey together, Aerion has gone above and beyond. He’s packed period kits, stocked shelves, made deliveries, and participated in panel discussions – all driven by his love and support for this crucial cause and me. His dedication and selflessness continue to inspire me every day. Our love story is not just about finding each other; it’s about joining forces to make a meaningful impact in our community and beyond. Aerion’s support has been instrumental in shaping SisterFriend’s success, and I am forever grateful to have him by my side. I can’t wait for everyone to meet him in Kingsport! Here’s to love, service, and making a difference together. ❤️ 🌸💜 Mrs. Pennsylvania International 2024 ~ Tamara Abney the “Period Hero” ~A Wife, Mommy of 2, and an unwavering advocate for menstrual equity, proudly leading SisterFriend, Inc. and creating a world where students can embrace their changing bodies with confidence and pride without barriers. #PAIntlpageant #Pageantsinpa #mrsinternational #mrsintl2024 #intlpageants #2024intlcountdown #beautyqueen #pageantlife #pageantry #mrspageant #mrspageantry #mrspageants #rolemodel #sisterfriend #periodpoverty #menstrualequity #tamaraabney #abneyfamily #PeriodPosseBook #PeriodActionDay #MenstrualEquity #GlobalChange #PeriodPoverty #SisterFriend #MakeADifference