15 days ago
Isn’t it kinda strange? We spend so much of our lives wanting for things. Those big wins and perfect sunny days. But when they finally arrive, we breeze right past them. It’s as if we’re just checking boxes on some endless list, not really living the moments we’ve fought so hard to achieve. The last page of a really gripping book, a basket of freshly folded clean clothes, or a long-awaited sunny day - why do we let them slip quietly by? And those bigger victories - launching that project we’ve worked on for months, partnering with a dream client, making a big sale - why do we mute our celebrations? We’re so conditioned to push for more, aim higher, rush to the next checkpoint. And sure, ambition is a fire that drives us. But what about joy? What about basking in the glow of a job well done or a dream realized? Today, I’m choosing a different pace. I’m pausing. I’m reveling in the small things and letting the big moments take up more space. Because if we don’t, what are we really working towards? So here’s to the glory of right now - to the final words of a good book, the launch of a passion project, and the sunshine we waited for all winter. Let’s not overlook these moments. Let’s live in them.
15 days ago
Lovely Emily I like you ☺️💞❤️😘😘💞💖💖 ❤️😍❤️❤️😍😍
15 days ago
15 days ago
15 days ago
15 days ago
14 days ago
14 days ago
Allowing ourselves to feel joy is so hard sometimes. It either feels too indulgent or we feel like hardship is sure to follow so we feel anxious about that instead! Thank you for those reminders!
13 days ago
6 days ago