15 days ago
Getting a moment to connect with Secretary Blinken at the Chiefs of Mission conference that brought together all the USA Ambassadors from around the globe to discuss how we can advance our foreign policy objectives. This year marks 100 years of the Foreign Service and I cannot be more honored to serve alongside diplomats who represent our country every day. It has been a unique experience living abroad and witnessing firsthand the dedication of foreign service officers working to advance peace, global cooperation, and democratic values. 🌍🕊️
She is so grown up. Duh.
13 days ago
Thank you @michellewkwan !
13 days ago
13 days ago
Israelis existence belongs in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Austria and you speak Yiddish. Nothing to do with Palestine.
13 days ago
Blinken is a war criminal
13 days ago
I used to look up to you as a child. Not anymore. You are proudly representing a genocidal administration. Think of the shock waves it would send if one of the most famous ambassadors resigned in protest. Is your cushy gig worth more than your principles? Or maybe you don't have principles?
12 days ago
It’s called a war and Israel is finishing it off.
11 days ago
He’s a monster, did you mention stopping the genocide?
11 days ago