3 days ago
@theamalaekpunobi Knowledge is a curse. I am cursed with knowledge, knowing money and currency are not the same. If ignorance is bliss, be happy you don’t know what I know. No one would live free knowing, breathing and living every day with the pain of what I learned 5 years before 2020, who told me, and the fact he married my half-sister (yeah, if you’re reading this Clark, fuck you and your daddy’s money, your marriage-inheritance, your family is toxic, your “smart” investments arevsoaked in the blood of millions of dead Americans, who will continue to die while your “iNtELliGeNce” brings great returns for shorting the fucking $USD, and you played me well but didn’t do enough, looking out for “your people” funny how you seemingly “lost” your crypto assets, aye?) @theamalaekpunobi Be careful who you call a friend, who you see as a “smart” or “capable person,” not all that glitters is gold. Easy money makes cheap people, and I don’t have much to my name, nor do I seek much but my own peace of mind, it’s about all I have left that I can manage. If you knew covid was bullshit, but all you knew was a conspiracy to collapse the fiat $USD, and you were alienated, looked upon like a sick patient, conditioned, ostracized, condemned with an easy diagnosis, then you will know why “Gold Another” is the curse I was educated of, that I studied for years like a madman.. I know this seems crazy, and you are welcome to judge me as crazy, but I’ve dm’ed like a mad man for over 7 years, getting very few replies, being blocked, and this has made me a cold person.… (comments)
I’m sure I’m easy for you to judge, passing judgement isn’t hard, especially when monetization influences judges, particularly pOLiTiCaLLy cOrReCt ones just making money by projecting. It’s called a social MEdia experiment for a reason. Now just my own opinion here but the timing behind systemic racism entering the media zeitgeist is very sus to me and I imagine you are a valuable expert on this particular topic… I believe SR was a deep state (as it relates to the “gold another” conspiracy acronym)… pripoganda campaign to paralell the freegold event as the conspiracy reports what the collapse of the $USD was called… I have no interest in associating any groups of people with “freegold” because of how money “talks” per se, much like the talkers at the WEF in Davos…fair warning, searching this term and reading on usagold.com and the rabbit hole of the conspiracy, it will… ok honestly it is a fucking headache and will be a lot easier just to take my word for it: money and currency are not the same. It seems easy for many to understand this today with record inflation. But I’ve been stressing this for years, my life has become forfeit, and the death surrounding me, my (now gone) friends, family, and the lions share of my social conditions I could afford are now gone, many simply ruined by my own “manic” musings... Thousands of hours training is gone, replaced by “madness” as it seemed, that was correctly announcing a coming geopolitical condition that prophesied the collapse of the flat $USD- albeit in particularly ambiguous, cryptic and quite lucid language. I’ve lost much of what I care about in my life, and it is easy to judge me critically. It is easy to see whatever the fuck you want. It is not easy to support your vanities when no one around sees anything you’ve done as being worth much beyond what they care for themselves, and my family saw talent, they let me know it despite having zero aptitude but what they could judge me critically over. My personal problems have been used, abused and conditioned to a narrative, an easy plug that makes judgment an easy option to pass over me. Mark my words, ignorance is bliss, you will see…
3 days ago