3 days ago
be vewwy quiet... . . . alt text: video clip with a white man looking at camera then away, then a zoom in shot to show a rabbit sitting on a gravel lot. text overlay says, "be vewwy quiet" @waveict @jamesmcmurtryofficial (no bunny rabbits were harmed in the making of this video)
Shhhhh bunny love
3 days ago
Please dad can I go to see the bunnyphant...did my chores like I'm supposed to...this is not for you to see...don't tell ma can I see the bunnyphant plz
3 days ago
3 days ago
“We’re hunting wabnits”😂
2 days ago
If I didn’t know any better I would swear James has a hint of a grin on his face there 😉
1 day ago