3 days ago
“I’ve been alienated, judged and poorly treated for my dysfunction. But I am a poor person, easy to judge and condemn for my poverty. Obviously it’s a personal problem, much like my family has established from their own financially secure positions, much of which comes down to marriage and wealth acquisition. I am just a loser, like a toxic white male, just being toxic and white, nothing more. It’s about tHe nArRiTiVe and sAyiNg tHe coRrEcT messages, when it comes to branding oneself. Monetization is like a cattle prod that zaps you into gear, my problem is that I won’t move well, if at all. I’m simply a bad investment, a problem and I’m not dead yet. 🥰 @sydney_sweeney I wasn’t joking about beating your fiancé so many times in the head that he wouldn’t remember his name. IMO your fiancé is top heavy, a pushover, literally. I may be poor, crippled from overexercise, poor recovery, poorer mental faculties and a sickeningly entitled, corrupted family, but my problems are over when I am dead. Jonathan is no problem to me, a dead man walking, just another easy money figure, making easy money because they can mOneTiZe their investments, look the part, even feel good about their role too!🤣 Sorry Syd, If I’m around, I won’t care when Jonathan dies, I doubt you have much to care about in this post-covid world either, obviously. Hurt people hurt people, but when all the hurt people are gone, then there’s just people! That’s why drugs are made, to keep hurt people from hurting people!🥰 Just kidding, antipsychotics, SSRIs, whatever drug you chose, are all great investments for capital investors, not so much the destroyed lives, correctly conditioned, treated and handled like cattle, led to their death and groomed to their condition that is created jUsT fOr tHeM, while their consumers continue consuming like they know how. It’s all done by the experts, fOr tHe eXpErTs. TrUsT tHe sCiEnCe. @joebiden hey there, you ready to die yet? 😂🤣🙏💜 If I could destroy the entire DNC establishment, hunt down and take the heads of the principal donors to your campaign, I would. But I can’t 😤. Good thing I don’t have - as Joe Rogan would say- “FUCK YOU MONEY” 🫵☠️
ok I look like a crazy person, I share like a crazy person, type and post like a crazy person. My apologies 🙏😤 I have work to do, unfortunately a lot less life left in me than when I used to work, move and be subjected to my poverty of options as a child, when I should have been playing, sleeping and growing better. Now the effect has permanently cost my health. My time was taken fr granted by my family, all of whom made a point to tell me how talented I was, without actually saying anything. My father got to use me as a puppet in his own facadé, where his most important values, his “friends” were effectively broadcast my childhood. I’m sure “pride” or whatever he thought was correct and certainly well sUpPoRtEd by his friends. But my father’s friends are mostly soft people, from soft families, with soft brains. Passing judgement is their defacto position, where politically correct language, and small talk are often their default, like blissfully ignorant, drugged out victims that aren’t dead yet, soft bodies with a heartbeat. This is my curse: foresight. This is my condition: exhausted. This is my time now: nothing but a platform artist, using language. Compartmentalized by eXpErTs and eDuCaTeD professionals who act and speak for a bottom line, relying on a justice system they are just as quick to condemn when they feel good about the critical #movement like soft-ass libtard sheep, following the crowd. @caradelevingne I respect your recent sobriety, it is noble to express this🥺🥹🫂 Unfortunately, I’ve experienced a harsh truth: the medical industry in the USA is so corrupted, sickness is, in fact, a better investment. The sicker people get, the more money flows into the medical industrial complex, coincidentally dominated by liberal democrats, now interestingly supporting historic illegal immigration, condemning political rivals and feigning ignorance at the same time. @anyataylorjoy Just wait until you start witnessing callous, indiscriminate murder in your world. I know you live in an “elite” bubble Anya, but death will find you, regardless. Your legacy survives you, just as your ancestors sacrificed time, your time comes with a cost 🙏💜☠️
3 days ago