3 days ago
@maudeapatow Thank you so much for sharing to your IG story these following images. I recently blocked Sydney Sweeney for personal reasons and felt bad about it, until I saw your IG story. Now, I know that I will survive, just kidding. It’s fucking INSTAGRAM. Why would you take anything on instagram seriously? I mean, not even covid was taken seriously by instagram. Just kidding, covid, like Sydney Sweeney, doesn’t give a fuck, obviously. Death and dysfunction is just, like, you know, a #filter and its a better investment to tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. Massive rocking tits are also real, as they are naturally developed in female mammals, which humans are. But contrary to popular libtard democrat cult belief, humans are not created equal, just like Sydney Sweeney understands, this is why you act nice, but steal, break, pass judgement, make up an alibi and rob people when no one is looking, sorta like Anthony Fauci and the CCP did prepping for the covid plandemic before the DNC cult media legitimized the genocidal Faucian plandemic. Also, @euphoria @streamonmax I’m not wrong about anything I’ve shared concerning covid, for years. The entire goal of covid was to institute massive currency devaluation and collapse the fiat $USD, covid was planned (in my opinion) for decades leading up to the (imo stolen) 2020 electi0n. Let Coleman Domingo know this: he’s got death coming for him. He can act like a muslim, talk like a prophet to @zendaya in a fake diner and fake his own characters, because he has been trained to do this. But he doesn’t know what I know. in a search browser, look up these keywords “Gold Another.” These two words trigger a web search that will show (in the top of the results) I’ve already shared with countless others, until 2020 when I intentionally began to share what I knew, broadcast in dms, even years before covid but I was tired of the ostracization, discrimination, hospitalization, alienation. You will never know the pain I live with now. It’s bad enough, if I had the option to kill every last DNC establishment mouthpiece, I would. #fuckyournarratives #fuzuck #shadowbanthis🖕 #murderistheirweapon #peaceofmindismine #euphoriaseason3
@tuckercarlson @tuckercarlsonnetwork @bannonswarroom Hey I know there’s a lot of crap words and shit in this post you may not care to read, sorry for that if you feel this way. But what I did share regarding “Gold Another,” as crazy as it may seem, may be of interest to you two.
3 days ago