22 days ago
: مثال ها On impulse: آنی، بدون تصمیم قبلی delude yourself into doing something: ‎خود را گول زدن، خودفریبی In retrospect: حالا که به گذشته نگاه می کنم. . . Live from day to day : درلحظه زندگی کردن، به آینده فکر نکردن 1️⃣He acts on impulse. 2️⃣I decided to quit my job on impulse, without thinking about the consequences. 1️⃣Maybe we’ve just deluded ourselves into thinking we can solve the problem. 2️⃣Stop deluding yourself into thinking you can finish that project by the deadline; it’s just not possible. 1️⃣In retrospect, I appreciate the lessons I learned from my failures 2️⃣In retrospect, I think their marriage was doomed from the beginning. 1️⃣I live from day to day, I don’t think about the future. 2️⃣The Simpsons just live from day to day. They never plan for the future. #english #englishlearning #englishteacher #idioms #انگلیسی #زبان _انگلیسی #اصطلاح _زبان #اصطلاحات _پرکاربرد_انگلیسی #مکالمه
20 days ago
20 days ago
20 days ago
20 days ago
20 days ago
عالی بود دوست عزیز👏🏻😍خسته نباشید🙌🏻❤️
20 days ago
14 days ago
6 days ago