16 days ago
Posted @withregram - @guardioesdefelinos Summary of our protest against the torture of cats in China in front of the Chinese consulate in Rio de Janeiro, on 14/06/2024: Universal Declaration of Animal Rights (UN) Excerpt: The following is proclaimed: 1. every animal has the right to respect. 2. Man, as an animal species, may not exterminate other animals or exploit them in violation of this right; he has a duty to put his knowledge at the service of animals." On Animal Sentience Animals are sentient beings, capable of feeling pain, fear, happiness and other emotions. They seek comfort and security, just like us. The sentience of animals obliges us to treat them with compassion and respect. We protest against the torture of cats in China because every living being deserves to live without suffering. These animals have the capacity to feel love and pain. The torture they face is unacceptable and creates a society that tolerates cruelty and sadism. We call on the Chinese government to respect the life and dignity of these sentient beings. We cannot remain silent while they suffer. Join us to end the torture of cats in China and create a more compassionate world. Credits: @tocadosfelinos #savecatsinchina #savecatslives #animallovers #animalabuse #animalabuseawareness #animalabusechina #animalcruelty #animalrights #felineguardianswithoutborders
13 days ago
13 days ago
13 days ago
Brazilians are true animal rights proponents
12 days ago
Thank you Brazil!
12 days ago
Totally agree with everything said
7 days ago
dude I honestly don't understand why are they doing this it's been a long while already why won't they stop? they have suffer enough and enough is enough 😡
6 days ago
Thank you, Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil.
5 days ago