17 days ago
Josh Stover is an artist living in Richmond, VA. When not making art, He runs a sign painting and design studio called Variety Shop with his wife Rachael Perisho. Josh is from Florida and he spent a lot of time at the beach growing up. Josh’s work depicts part imagined - part seen environments. In his paintings and drawings, curvy rounded shapes and repetition are a nod to art deco design and the shapes of vintage signs. Graphic shading and crisp lines in his work are inspired by mid century design and illustration. Josh leans heavily on these design elements to convey nostalgia and playfulness in his pieces. He enjoys the process of abstracting an object while still allowing the viewer to recognize what is being seen. In his drawings, he often uses children’s stencils and colored pencils to build up images - creating a process of play and experimentation. Josh created five new drawings for the show. Come see these intricate and witty works in-person at the gallery during our open hours, Thursday - Sunday from 12 - 6pm. Open through July 7!