2 days ago
Those aren’t irrational fears, that was trauma dumping. #TerminallyOnline #CrookedMedia #Trauma
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2 days ago
2 days ago
2 days ago
Probably a good time to mention “Democracy Or Else” is available as an Audiobook and e-book for all you paper-haters out there!
2 days ago
Who hasn’t vomited into the mouth of a dolphin? Have you MET a dolphin? They are absolute freaks!
2 days ago
Honestly kinda messed up that the aquarium had people throwing trash into a dolphin’s mouth
2 days ago
I love getting mail, but I'm afraid of initially putting my hand into the mailbox. I was stung by a bee once as a child and pulled out a brown widow on another occasion later in life. for years I have stood back and then peered into the mailbox before I grasp the envelopes
2 days ago
Day 266 of 🇮🇱 and 🇺🇸 genocide against 🇵🇸
1 day ago