4 days ago
ACASK (all cats are serial killers) #PodSaveAmerica #CrookedMedia #Biden
Currently currently terrified while listening to the show from Boston… we need a “sure thing” with tons of name recognition and universal appeal. I think that all the delegates should ask Jon Stewart to step up to the plate and be our nominee for president! Think about it- White male. Master of the media. No AIPAC donations. Already a highly scrutinized/beloved public figure, Even Never-Trump Republicans respect him. Think on it. I think that @crookedmedia could make magic happen…
3 days ago
And can he stop saying malarkey???? Please!!!
3 days ago
Cats really should be kept indoors
3 days ago
His brain is permanently stuck in the 50s and he’s regressing fast. Get him out now! 👏👏👏
2 days ago
2 days ago
Unrelated, but this episode had top tier jokes. Thanks for bringing my mood up!
15 hours ago