4 days ago
Bring me the head of the Meep 😳
I want meep toy
1 day ago
Hi Russell - just wanted to say how much I particularly loved 73 yards this series. That sort of out of the box, beautifully shot, beautifully scored, beautifully written episode is what sticks. Really memorable. Makes me smile x
1 day ago
Hey Russ, please reply to my message, it’s very important. Cheers xoxo 👍🏻
1 day ago
Hi sorry to say there's what appears to be a fake RTD account as I've just had a private message on here...
1 day ago
Thoroughly enjoyed the new series. There is great intelligence and pathos in the writing. Casting and quality of production is top notch, there snow business like show business. Can't wait for the mysteries to unfold in series 2, for as the Doctor said to Mel "Time and tide melt the snowman" 🌟💯❄️
23 hours ago
I’ve been appalled by the level of racism, homophobia, transphobic and bigotry in YouTube videos, Twitter and other social platforms. Also a level of ignorance, fear mongering from certain people. On YouTube but also coming from certain “ Doctor Who fans that have been spewing out hatred any rage towards the cast and production team. I’ve never seen such rage and hatred from these “fans” in my entire lifetime
15 hours ago
Russell, when are we getting Murray’s scores to the 60th and Series 14!!!!!
14 hours ago
Talking about the rage and hatred from these people who want DOCTOR WHO cancelled but also incite violence against the cast and production team. But also to the ordinary fans who love the show. These keyboards warriors think they are experts! They’re not! They are delusional, ignorant, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic and racist cretins who got nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic and selfish lives. They forget that DOCTOR WHO is just a tv drama series. First I don’t watch a lot of telly. In fact I don’t have the telly on all day. I’m very picky about what I want to watch. I pay my bills and I do online shopping for groceries. Nor do I bother with a newspaper or a tv guide. I’ll get all my news on what’s happening locally, nationwide and the rest of the world. The news on what’s happening at Gaza, Ukraine, the presidential election and the election in the UK. Do you know what? It fucking depresses me about what’s happening in the world! You’ve got two old men running for US President. One is a demented, narcissistic, sex offender, racist, egotistical and corrupt sociopath. The other is an aging and frail old man who might be suffering from the early stages of dementia. These are the only two suitable candidates to run the US. Fucking hell. Then we have our election here in the UK. Over the past 15 years of Tory Government we’ve had five prime ministers, several chancellors, quite a few nameless inconsequential health secretaries etc. The list goes on. All five Prime Ministers failed dismally. Their policies have been disastrous and we the public have suffered for it by their incompetence.
12 hours ago
I love this. ❤️. I hope we see meep again. Also. We need a doctor who musical with Julian Barratt as the doctor. 😮😮🥰
5 hours ago
Ha. You are the Head of the Meep! xxxoooRTD.
1 hour ago