21 days ago
4 days ago
Ok, genuine question, why isn't there more clinch work? I'd think the chance of winning a fight goes up if you close distance, clinch, sweep and ground and pound, no?
3 days ago
In taekwondo we throw axe kicks all day everyday in sparring. No brain damage here 😂 Also, when we throw axe kicks we aren’t aiming for the top of the head 😂
3 days ago
I dont even think its the actual fights that cause all the cte and injuries, its the damn training for the fight. I dont mind getting fucked up, but PRACTICE? WE TALKING PRACTICE 😂
3 days ago
Max Holloway doesn't spar this hard and he's the BMF. Just a reminder. Save your brain cells.
1 day ago
Everyone talking bout the axe kick. I get it, dangerous move, throw what you can control, throw what your partner is cool with. As long as yall know what’s on and off the table, that’s all that matters.
19 hours ago
The axe kick cool cause other girl raised intensity and she threw it with control
4 hours ago